VvvvvaVvvvvr Wiki

“ Please gadunk the channel description. ._.

—Jared Funtime


Meowflash (formerly MeowflashAndFuntime, MeowflashFuntime&DankSuu, and DankMeowflash&Funtime) is a shared account between real guy Jared Funtime and his original character Meowflash. While Meowflash submits unusual rips to VvvvvaVvvvvvr, Jared Funtime takes most of the credit.

The People Who Run This Account[]

Jared Funtime[]

Jared "Funtime" Newsom is the man behind the account. He's actually very creative, but despite his best efforts, he's sometimes lazy. I mean, he did submit a few good rips, such as Ground Theme (Prototype) - Super Mario Bros. and Hi Welcome To Chili's Sound Effect #3. Now that VvvvaVvvvr is dead, Jared now submits rips to other fanchannels, such as GrandPappyMehrio, IkaGunner, and such.


Dave "Meowflash" Robertson is a cute cat boy who likes to make the rips that his "uncle" Jared submits. He also likes to roleplay, and is sometimes an EDM DJ at night. He helped make the remixes in Title Theme (Game Genie Add-On) - 7 GRAND DAD and Ending (Game Genie Add-On) - 7 GRAND DAD. Oh yeah, he's really cool.




—Jared Funtime, Maint heme (pre-nightcore mix) - 7 nightcore dad

  • Jared Funtime also wants to develop video games and start an online record label, a separate ripping channel, and publish comics, but due to so much other projects on his computer, along with task requests from his family (whom he lives with right now), a hobby of video games, etc., little is known whether or not he might do any of that.
  • While he's not making music, Meowflash fights crime, especially from a dark lord, a corrupt robotics company CEO, and even his arch-nemesis, who happens to be a spoiled, suit-fedora-and-glasses-clad brat.
  • The boys, especially Meowflash, love slime girls, including Suu from Monster Musume, a favorite manga of Jared's.
  • Jared Funtime is in a love-hate relationship with VvvvaVvvvr, especially his fans(?), as stated on Quiet Water (Gamma Mix) - Undertale and Maint heme (pre-nightcore mix) - 7 nightcore dad.
    • Okay, I was wrong. He always hates VvvvaVvvvr, especially all of his fans and rips. He hates them all with a burning passion(?), and an even more fiery impassion, and knows that by the words of his lord and savior TimmyTurnersGrandDad, they are all "SATANIST AND SUCKS". He also hates being called "cringy", which he's not, for frick's sake. That's all just facts, y'know.
  • As a reference to Wood Man messing up SiIvaGunner's album track names, the boys like to write unusual descriptions for their rips, such as crediting other people as the rippers, playlisting them on related or unrelated links, and calling Koji Kondo "FwugRadiation" as a reference to TTGD calling Toby Fox "Toby "Don't Call Me "Toby "FwugRadiation" Fox"" "FwugRadiation" Fox".
  • Meowflash used to be the basis of the profile pics on the account, but due to Jared's love for Suu, and an undisclosed reason, he decided to change it to Suu.
    • Later on, it was changed back to one of the same pictures of Meowflash. Afterwards, it was changed to a Coin Coffer.